School Information » Attendance


How do parents/guardians arrange an absence?

​Parents/guardians must fill out a pre-arranged absence form from the main office. The maximum number of arranged absences is 10 per school year.

What is the procedure that should be followed after an absence?

Students who have been absent must provide notice from parent/guardian to the school explaining the reason for the absence within three (3) school days after their return.
Please include the following information:
  1. The first and last name of the student
  2. The date(s) the student was absent
  3. The reason the student was physically or mentally unable to attend or the nature of the emergency.
If an acceptable explanation of the absence is not provided within three (3) school days, the absence is unexcused and, in accordance with NRS 392.130, is deemed a truancy.

Make-Up Work:

A student who is absent from school is responsible for making up work they miss. Parents can help by encouraging their child to fulfill this obligation. A request for make-up work should be made 24 hours in advance. Work requested after 12:00 noon will be available the following day. Please make every effort to stop by the office and pick up the requested assignments.